apparently, Atlanta Ballet has also staged Great Gatsby & a project with Indigo Girls
HD Opera live at the cineplex on Saturday afternoons - from the Met (next one: Saturday, April 26, 2008)
Karl Lagerfeld as a charater, VO and DJ on the next Grand Theft Auto Vice City Quote: “They (the video game guys) had written a politically incorrect dialogue,” the designer says of his new gig. “I loved it, [particularly] in a time when everybody wants to be so politically correct when they talk.”
Suddenly a billboard doesn't feel all that "convention breaking" does it?
I'm sucker for good design with wit. But the genius of this isn't just the insight that all remedy medication is likely to make a head pound or stomach turn worse.
It's the "I'm bored" section. If you don't LOL, don't come to my happy hour.
Pondering: Sell-out? Or a recognition of embracing mass to have the most potent impact, given how (big brands, thoughtlessly) and where (Wal Mart)people shop?
Is the cash to help Sierra Club do greater good thus justifiable? Or is really going for virgin paper Post-Its?
Must third parties always be NGO for street cred? Or should a household name win on salience to the average Jane?
Is the endorsement worth the sell out? Is it worth the renewed exposure to a gigantic audience?
In the future, maybe corporate do-gooding will be less about Earth Day clutter and more a matter of powerful badge brands endorsing charities, especially charities pursuing legislation.
Mini did it rather boringly a few years ago by giving (branded) billboard space to already well-known, non-objectionable charities like Habitat for Humanity. endorsed Obama and is now asking members for their input on local/regional candidates.
Can't wait to see who is helped, hurt or rather unaffected by all these bedfellows.
No one's been talking about the '08 Weight Watchers campaign - except my friend Heather and I. And she works at McCann.
Is it good? Is it interesting? Or it is just shot and cast well enough so that first-tier suburban women under 50 can relate?
I kinda forgot about it until I saw a new restaurant execution (unfindable) and then watched BBDO's New Balance work.
As an unrepentant one-time WWer and a intermittent runner, I got thinking about what's lacking in both.
WW - In a quest for empathy, it flirts at truth and settles for the giant, lecturing lie. Of course it's a diet. The huge opportunity was to go naked on what sucks about the food/body thing with intelligence, wit, honesty or some of the above.
Anyone who's done WW knows it does work, it is a diet,and it's a matter of points algebra and good old fashioned portion control. The unspoken truth of WW - you have your booze, the occasional nacho and still be on the diet. If that's not pro-women, what is.
Then there's NB. Another passion/guilt category.
Anthem of the rip-it-and-pitch it school, and nicely done at that.
But... so what? In a spot all about tension there isn't any. Running is usually best when you just finished doing it, even on a great day. And I like it.
In both cases, the strategy shouted down a huge opportunity.
But, speaking of honesty I would be far from ashamed to have done either. Would love a crack at round 2, though.